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What Is an Administrative Review Hearing for a DUI in Florida?

March 25, 2024
By The Wiseman Law Firm

If you have been arrested for a DUI in Florida, you may wonder what comes next. One important step in the process is the administrative review hearing, also known as an administrative license suspension hearing. This is a critical part of your case, as it determines whether or not your driver’s license will be suspended. At this hearing, a hearing officer will review the evidence and arguments presented by both sides, including any evidence of intoxication and the validity of the traffic stop. 

The Wiseman Law Firm specializes in DUI cases and can provide you with the guidance and representation you need during this consequential time. Our team of dedicated defense lawyers has extensive experience with Florida DUI cases and will fight to protect your rights and defend your license. Contact us today for a consultation and let us guide you through the administrative review hearing process.

What Is an Administrative Review Hearing?

An administrative review hearing in Florida is a specific type of legal proceeding that takes place after someone is arrested for a DUI. This is separate from the court case that decides on criminal charges. The primary focus of this hearing is to examine the circumstances surrounding your DUI arrest and to make a decision on whether your driver’s license should be suspended or reinstated. During this hearing, the details of your DUI arrest are reviewed, including evidence like breathalyzer test results and the arresting officer’s report.

The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FDHSM) oversees this hearing. It provides a chance for the individual to present evidence and argue against the suspension of their license. Essentially, it’s a critical early step for anyone facing DUI charges, aiming to maintain their driving privileges while their case is pending.

What Can I Expect During the Hearing?

At your administrative review hearing for a DUI in Florida, prepare to navigate a process that’s less formal than court but equally significant. The hearing officer, not a judge, presides over the proceedings. Your main goal here is to present evidence and arguments in support of your case against the suspension of your driver’s license. Expect the other side, typically a representative from the (FDHSM), to present evidence suggesting why your license should be suspended due to the DUI charge. 

You, or preferably your attorney, will have the opportunity to question any witnesses brought by the FDHSM, and similarly, they can question yours. This might include discussing the circumstances of your arrest, the results of any breathalyzer test, and the procedures followed by the arresting officer. Documents such as police reports and test results are often pivotal. 

The hearing focuses strictly on your driving privileges, not the criminal aspects of your DUI charge. Thus, the atmosphere is somewhat less daunting, but the stakes remain high. Being well-prepared and having legal representation increases your chances of a favorable outcome, helping you keep your driving privileges while your DUI case is pending.

How Can a DUI Defense Lawyer Help?

Hiring a DUI defense lawyer can significantly impact the outcome of your administrative review hearing in Florida by bringing knowledge and experience to your side. A lawyer will review the evidence against you, such as breathalyzer results and police reports, to identify any weaknesses in the prosecution’s case. We use this knowledge to craft compelling arguments and present solid evidence to challenge the suspension of your license at the hearing.

We know what evidence to present, how to question witnesses effectively, and how to argue against any procedural errors made during your arrest. A lawyer’s expertise can significantly increase your chances of maintaining your driving privileges while providing you with valuable guidance and support throughout this challenging process. With a skilled attorney, you’re not just a number in the system–you’re a person with rights worth defending. 

Arrested for a DUI? Contact the DUI Defense Attorneys of The Wiseman Law Firm Today

If you’re facing DUI charges in Florida, securing the right legal representation is imperative. At The Wiseman Law Firm, our DUI defense attorneys are ready to support you through every step, including your administrative review hearing. With our experience and knowledge of Florida DUI laws, we aim to help you achieve the best possible outcome. 

Don’t face the FDHSM alone. To discuss your case and explore your options, call us at (407) 420-4647 or fill out our contact form. Your initial consultation could be the first step toward protecting your rights and your future. Let us help you navigate through this challenging time with confidence and clarity.

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