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Can My Record Be Expunged or Sealed?

July 26, 2024
By The Wiseman Law Firm

Having a criminal record can significantly impact your life, from employment opportunities to personal relationships. If you’ve found yourself asking, “Can my record be expunged or sealed in Florida?” you’re not alone. Many individuals seek ways to protect their privacy and move forward 

To move forward with expunging or sealing a criminal record in Florida, you must meet specific criteria to be eligible. For an expungement, you  must not have any prior convictions, and charges must not have been filed or the charges filed against you must have been dismissed, either because the prosecutor dropped the case, a judge granted motions to dismiss, or you were acquitted at trial. Additionally, cases that have been sealed for at least ten years may also qualify for expungement. On the other hand, to seal a record, you must have pled guilty, no contest, or been found guilty at trial with adjudication withheld. However, certain offenses are excluded from being sealed, so it’s essential to consult with an experienced Florida criminal defense attorney who can evaluate your specific situation and guide you through the process.

Expungement vs. Seal of a Criminal Record  

Once you’ve been arrested for a crime, keeping this information out of the public eye requires either expunging or sealing the records. If you’re unsure about the differences between these options or whether you qualify, consulting a trusted criminal defense lawyer can provide clarity.


Expungement results in the complete destruction of the arrest records, prosecution files, and probation officer’s documentation. However, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) retains a copy that remains inaccessible to the public.

To qualify for an expungement, you must meet specific criteria: you must have no prior convictions, and the charges must be dismissed. A dismissal occurs when the prosecutor drops the case, the judge grants a motion to dismiss, or you are acquitted at trial. Additionally, a case previously sealed for ten years or more may also be eligible for expungement. A Florida criminal defense attorney can help determine if you qualify.


Sealing a criminal case means that all related files are sealed from public record, but not destroyed, as in expungement.

To have your case sealed, you must have plead guilty, no contest, or been found guilty at trial, with the adjudication withheld in all instances. Certain offenses do not qualify for sealing, but an experienced Florida attorney can help assess your eligibility.

Having your case sealed or expunged offers a second chance to rebuild your life. It can open doors to employment opportunities, help clear your reputation, and provide a fresh start. To explore whether expungement or sealing is an option for you, contact a Florida criminal defense attorney today.

How Can a Lawyer Help You Get Your Criminal Record Expunged or Sealed? 

Navigating the process of getting your criminal record expunged or sealed can be complex and overwhelming. A skilled criminal defense lawyer at The Wiseman Law Firm provides invaluable assistance in several ways. First, we will evaluate your eligibility by reviewing your criminal history and the specifics of your case to determine if you meet the criteria for expungement or sealing. We can also guide you through the necessary legal procedures, ensuring all paperwork is correctly completed and filed on time.

Furthermore, we can advocate on your behalf during any required court hearings, presenting a compelling case for why your record should be expunged or sealed. We will also help you understand the potential impact of expungement or sealing on your life, including how it can improve your employment prospects and personal reputation. By working with us, you can significantly increase your chances of successfully clearing your record, enabling you to move forward with a clean slate.

Speak With the Expungement Lawyer at The Wiseman Law Firm

If you’re struggling with the burden of a criminal record, The Wiseman Law Firm may be able to help you navigate the process of expunging or sealing your record in Florida. With over two decades of experience, we understand the significant impact a criminal record can have on your life. Our founding attorney, Simon Wiseman, is a former prosecutor who uses his extensive knowledge of the criminal justice system to provide you with the best defense possible.

Our firm is known for its thorough preparation and commitment to personalized client care. We work diligently to evaluate your eligibility and guide you through every step of the expungement or sealing process. Don’t let a past mistake define your future. Contact us today to explore your options and start the process of clearing your record. Call us at (407) 420-4647 or reach out through our contact form.

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