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How Is a Federal Crime Different than a State Crime?

August 19, 2016
By The Wiseman Law Firm

Understanding the details of your charges is a critical aspect of your defense. If you are not an experienced criminal defense attorney, you might be thrown off when you read that your charges involve state or federal crimes. Just why is this distinguished and should you be worried about it?

How Federal Crimes Are Different from State Crimes

Federal crimes and generally considered to be the most serious of criminal acts. Due to their severity, they are considered illegal all across the country, or wherever federal jurisdiction lies; a state crime is only considered illegal by that particular definition wherever that state’s jurisdiction lies. Sometimes multiple state crimes can converge into a federal crime if the criminal acts are interconnected but cross into multiple state boundaries. For example, committing theft in Florida, driving an escape vehicle up to Georgia, and assaulting someone there who tries to stop you could be considered federal crimes.

Federal crimes are also unique in the way that the opposition against you for a federal case can be massive. In a trial involving state crimes, you might have to contend with local sheriffs or just eyewitnesses; for a federal case, you could be shocked to find that the FBI, DEA, CIA, and other federal agencies have led a hand in the investigation against you. With nearly unlimited resources, the prosecution will be more aggressive, more knowledgeable, and generally more intimidating.

Lastly, the sentencing for federal crimes are harsher than state crimes. Theft of federal resources, even a small amount, could lock you up for years.

If you do not want to be at the mercy – or lack thereof – of the criminal justice system and federal agencies, you have to be willing to stand up for yourself. At The Wiseman Law Firm, our Orlando criminal defense attorneys proudly offer top-tier defense representation to the criminally accused throughout Florida. Contact us today for more information.

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