Internet Sex Crime Defense Lawyer in Orlando
In recent years there has been an increase in internet sex crimes. Not only are these crimes investigated by local and state law enforcement officers but also federal investigators are actively investigating these crimes. Law enforcement is carrying out sting operations to expose sex crimes. If you have been the victim of such a sting, call us immediately for a free consultation.
The penalties for any internet sex crime are severe. They include court-ordered sex offender treatment, imprisonment, required registration as a sex offender and lengthy probation. Apart from this, the personal repercussions of internet sex crimes can be devastating. Being labelled a sex offender can ruin your family, career and the life you once had.
If you are a target of a sex crime investigation, before speaking with the police, you should immediately turn to a reputed defense attorney. Remember, anything you say can be held against you if you speak to the police freely and voluntarily.
The Wiseman Law Firm has 20 years of legal experience and will tackle your case with utmost sensitivity and discretion. Despite the complicated web of internet and computer law, our firm stays up-to-date on computer and internet crime law to ensure early intervention, retrieval of important information, and preservation of key evidence, which can make a huge difference to the outcome of your case.
If you have been charged with a sex crime, contact us at 407-420-4647 for a free initial consultation. Put our experience to work for you.