Prostitution & Solicitation Lawyer in Orlando
These sex crimes are no longer just street crimes, they are increasingly carried out on the internet. Arrests in such crimes are often a result of sting operations involving undercover police officers. In Florida, prostitution or the solicitation of a prostitute is a criminal offense that has severe penalties.
These crimes are usually misdemeanors but can be charged as felonies. The penalties for these offenses include heavy fines, sexually transmitted disease testing, counseling, probation, community service, jail time and even prison. The severity of these prostitution crimes largely depend upon the number of prior convictions.
If this is your first offense, you can face up to 60 days in jail, 6 months supervised probation and a fine of up to $500. Apart from the legal penalties, the non-legal consequences of this crime can be even harsher. A charge or conviction for prostitution or solicitation can significantly damage your family, your reputation in the community, and even ruin your career.
The prostitution defense attorneys at The Wiseman Law Firm have 20 years of experience and know how to handle prostitution and solicitation cases. We will assist you in understanding the charges, the potential penalties and the strategy to achieve the best result possible. Our firm will ensure that your rights have not been violated by law enforcement officers at any step of the investigation.
If you have been charged with solicitation, prostitution, or been a victim of an escort or prostitution sting contact us without delay for a free consultation. We provide aggressive representation throughout Orlando, Miami, Kissimmee, Tampa Orange County, Jacksonville, Disney area, Seminole County, UCF area and Windermere area.
Call our office at 407-420-4647 to reach us. Schedule your free and confidential initial consultation today!